Wednesday 26 November 2008


Ha ha ha.... I'm laughing because I have found it at last. Yup... I have managed to get hold of a programmee for converting pictures to cross stitch patterns. It's a fifteen day free trial period too.
Cheapskate me (he he..) spent three days converting photos of the girls and of whatever pictures I want to sew... i.e. in due time. I would have spent more days doing it but my holiday trip was due.
In the 'excitement' of the projects, I ended up bringing one of them on the trip. A good idea too as it turned out I managed to almost complete two of its four parts.
I was seen cross stitching the airport, in the plane and in hotel's lobbies . I would have done it in the bus too if it wasn't so bumpy.( I tried but gotten so dizzy that I gave up the idea)
See what I've done so far...

Hhmm..... I think I will need to change the thread on her teeth..... she's complaing its not as in the picture

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