Monday 29 September 2008


Ah.... mine after some 'tough' (*&?#$%@:"&^%) bidding
This is the chart that I'm currently bidding on.
I listed the name of this blog as cross stitch because that tops my list of crafting.
Today I just bid on another pattern on ebay... hhmm... its going to cost me should the seller refuse to combine shipping. I have already won one of her earlier list. British pounds! ahhhh... the pattern itself is cheap. Its the postage that gives the 'pinch'.

Sunday 21 September 2008


I have been browsing through ebay for new cross stitch sunflower patterns and newcraft projects all afternoon. Nothing worth buying at the moment but I did save up few promising project thats worth looking.

These are crochet pattern for an interesting pouch , a doll's outfit and two pot holders. Looks very easy to do but would still need the time and right mood to start with.

Friday 19 September 2008


These are some of the interesting 'projects' which are planned for the near future. That usually is when the right 'mood' sets in. I have so many of them on my lists but have yet to find the time to carry them out.

I wonder if there are enthusiastic people like myself out there with the same passion .

These are some of the cross stitch patterns that caught my attention on ebay. They are a bit small and too expensive for my 'investment'.

You'll be surprise with how small this pattern is.

I love this one..... I tried to bid on it but sadly the seller wasn't willing to ship internationally. Anyone with the same pattern?

Thursday 18 September 2008


Wow I'm here..... this is only a 'test' page.
Cross stitching is one of the many passions in crafts that I have been unable to detach myself from over the years. I'll keep updating what projects I'm currently at also what I've completed.
So , 'see' you later...